‘Heed these words, you who wish to probe the depths of nature. If you do not find within yourself that which you seek neither will you find it outside yourself. If you ignore the wonders of your own house how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know thyself and you will know the universe and the Gods.”

Oracle of Delphi - 1400BC

A modern and unique reinterpretation of the Zodiac

Sequin Kay, a British contemporary artist who exhibits internationally presents The Zodiac Collection - a unique and personal expression of the 13 signs of the Zodiac.  Each sign is an original and unique piece of art consisting of a variety of eye-catching materials.

Sequin, whose studio resides on the idyllic north coast of Ibiza, was inspired to create the collection during a period of personal transformation instigated by a deep desire to research her ancestral lineage.  Commenting on the collection, Sequin stated that ‘art is capable of both idealising and expressing the most secret impulses of the soul’. 

A beautiful and powerful statement, the collection is inspired by astrology and deep psychology, in particular the dream psychologist Carl Jung and pioneer of modern humanistic astrology, Dane Rudhyar.

In producing The Zodiac Collection, Sequin meticulously researched each zodiac sign using a variety of disciplines and techniques; each individual creation guided by both personal instinct and intuitive insight.

The collection employs a variety of eye-catching materials in an inspiring composition bursting with cosmic radiance and eternal wisdom. Each piece takes on a circular form, reminding the viewer of the circle as a symbol of the self, with the collection expressing the totality of the human psyche and its illusive ways.

The Zodiac Collection is sponsored by David Mizan Hashim, founder of The Malayan Tiger conservation project, Rimau, a cause Sequin is passionately supportive of.  As an independent artist Sequin’s art is widely collected and enjoyed internationally.