I adore wearing gems, but not because they are mine. You cannot possess radiance, you can only admire it’

- Elizabeth Taylor

The stunning beauty and legend that is; Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra in the 1963 film Directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz is one of the top iconic images from film history. This artwork created by Sequin Kay and Gerry Kinch is a strong reminder of the power of iconic portraiture and how it can inspire hope, strength and courage in a time of challenge and uncertainty.  As both artists worked on this striking portrait they felt as if they were receiving a transmission directly from the crystals, and both were imbued with a sense of positivity and hope.

Art and film have the power to motivate and move our souls into new territory as they can inspire people to see the world with new eyes and hearts. The true meaning of awe is an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration or even fear; produced by that which is grand, sublime or extremely powerful.  

“I'm a survivor - a living example of what people can go through and survive.”
Elizabeth Taylor

Created in the Summer of 2023, Sequin Kay and Gerry Kinch have come together to create a unique, visionary and sensational portrait of one of the most iconic women in film history.  The portrait of Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra from the 1963 film is an iconic image and has been chosen by both artists to kick start a powerful contemporary art collection.

Over 93,000 Swarovski crystals have been individually hand set with attention and precision, taking over 320 hours to place. This artwork evokes hope, beauty, femininity and power. It is a homage to Elizabeth Taylor and her incredible talent and a celebration of her as a woman in her full glory and power. The controversial film was a visual sensation; accompanied by the award winning costume designer Irene Sharaff's outfits which are a work of art in themselves. The fusion and synthesis of oil painting and crystal embellishment creates a new texture to contemporary portraiture. The artists intention is to inspire their audience; to ins-till a sense of power and wonder.


Veronica Lake’s portrait serves as a powerful artistic statement because it encapsulates the intersection of beauty, mystery, and tragedy—a combination that has always intrigued artists and audiences alike. Veronica Lake was one of the most beautiful and stylish actresses of her time. Her signature "peek-a-boo" hairstyle, where one eye was hidden behind a cascade of hair, became an iconic look that defined an era.

This hairstyle, while glamorous, also symbolised an air of mystery and enigma, traits that continue to captivate viewers. This portrait also highlights the timeless allure of classic Hollywood, evoking a sense of nostalgia and admiration for an era of elegance.  

Lake was often cast in roles that showcased her as a femme fatale—a woman of beauty, intelligence, and danger. Her on-screen persona exuded confidence and control, making her a symbol of feminine power in a male-dominated industry. A portrait capturing this aspect of her identity can be a powerful exploration of the themes of femininity, strength, and independence, resonating with contemporary discussions about the role and representation of women in media.

Lake’s life behind the scenes was marked by challenges, including struggles with mental health, alcoholism, and a decline in her career that led to financial difficulties. This stark contrast between her glamorous public image and her troubled private life adds a layer of poignancy to her story. This crystalled portrait Lake explores this duality,  juxtaposing her iconic beauty with subtle hints of her inner turmoil, thus offering a more nuanced portrayal of celebrity and the human condition. This duality also reflects the broader narrative of the cost of fame a theme that remains relevant today.   Crystal hand-setting is a precise and labour intensive technique it is a meticulous, manual process of arranging individually Swarovski crystals in alignment with the painting to enhance and bring the oil paint to life.

‘Swarovski crystals transform light into brilliance, turning everyday elegance into extraordinary moments of sparkle and wonder, they truly electrify my day into something utterly magical and memorable ’ - Sequin Kay