“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time”

Thomas Merton

Sequin’s illustration collection is based on the automatic drawing technique, the artist uses this technique to access hidden information within the psyche. Automatic drawing can be described as “expressing the subconscious.” drawing in an unintentional way across the paper or canvas, without any rational thinking or pre-thought the artwork directs itself. This is one method the artist uses to tap into the depths of the psyche drawing out latent and hidden information. Drawing and creating automatically is linked with automatism, which is an art-making process where the subconscious is freely allowed to create and give birth to unexpected and diverse outcomes.

Inspired by the Spirit Drawing’s of Victorian female artist Georgina Houghton; only recently recognised as a pioneer of abstract art. These art-works draw inspiration from the the artists subconscious and power of unseen and invisible energy. This form of art-making connects with the soul rather than the logical mind; through these artworks the viewer is invited to question and consider what hidden information lies in our own collective minds and psyche.